Thursday, July 4, 2013

Meeting Osama Bin Laden With My Father as a Young Girl In Saudi Arabia - The Soviet Invasion & the CIA Training the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, and Negotiating Diplomacy Between Osama Bin L:aden and the Taliban in Tora Bora Caves and the Northern Alliance Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan Updated

Meeting Osama Bin Laden With My Father as a Young Girl In Saudi Arabia - The Soviet Invasion & the CIA Training the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, and Negotiating Diplomacy Between Osama Bin L:aden and the Taliban in Tora Bora Caves and the Northern Alliance Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan

Meeting Osama Bin Laden With My Father as a Young Girl In Saudi Arabia  - The Soviet Invasion & the CIA Training the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, and Negotiating Diplomacy Between Osama Bin L:aden and the Taliban in Tora Bora Caves and the Northern Alliance Freedom Fighters in Afghanistan (tomorrow)

Tora Bora Cave Regions of Afghanistan
During the 1970s-1980s, throughout the time my father worked for the CIA/NSA contracting company (Chas T Main) in Boston, MA (USA), my father worked additionally for the IMF (which was then under the auspices of IBRD) and also USAID. During that period of time, the following events took place, with respects to the Taliban and whereby the emergence of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Somalia took place as well.
It all began while my father was working for, Chas T Main (Boston, MA). My father was sent to Saudi Arabia on a myriad of overseas business trips. I was with my father during some of these.
The first event significant event, was also during this time period, in Israel, Palestinian Freedom fighters emerged. Israel, decided to make a “prison trade,” in which a certain number of Palestinian soldiers imprisoned by the Israel,  would be traded for a number of Israeli Soldiers held by Palestinian leaders. After which, the State of Israel, sent the most radical of these, into the Dessert of, Lybia, for a certain time period ( via bus). I specifically remember this because my father and I, made several shuttle diplomatic trips between Israel and the PLO during this time period. These were also the years in which Camp David Accords were signed under the Carter Administration in America additionally.
But first, the Taliban, and also Al Qaeda had not initially emerged until these Palestinian soldiers, had not returned back into Israel again. When they did return from, Lybia, they had completely “radicalized,.” They returned as a prototype of, Al Qaeda. Why?
They learned from the Shiite Muslims in Lybia, how to commit suicide attacks for the first time which caused a new problem within the State of Israel for the first time.  Now, Islamists, were willing to “blow themselves up in order to move their political agenda for an Independent Palestine,” forward.

Simultaneously, back in Saudi Arabia at that time my father was involved in building a nuclear power plant for the, Saudi Princes, as well as Chas T Main, involving itself in assisting the, Bin Laden family, build all of the roads and bridges to Mecca and Medina for the Muslim Holidays yearly.
I met, a young Osama bin laden as a ten year old or so, while he was about the same age (maybe a little older) in, Saudi Arabia with my father for the first time then. We used to play handball in back of his home, while my parents "chilled out" with the Leader of the Bin Laden Clan back then. He aws the youngest of 16 children, Osama.  Although he inherited the least, it was substantial enough, to cause world misery until he died, in Pakistan recently under the, Obama Administration.
I don't have any young photos of him, but I think that I did at one time. During the time period, my ex-husband, Andre Chapman (a monster of a man),  and myself  got divorced in 1991, he took my kids, my car, and all the slides I possessed that my father, Irwin Starr, had given me from all of my trips abroad.
in any event, ever since his very young days, Osama and myself, had established a very close relationship owing to my father's company conducting business with the Bin Laden family.
Osama đã sắp xếp cho cô con gái lớn nhất Fatima (áo cam) kết hôn với một tay súng người Ả Rập Saudi khi cô bé 12 tuổi.
Now, that close relationship is what enabled my father and myself to be able to travel "safely," through Afghanistan, after Soviet Russia, invaded it back in the day. The first time I saw, Osama Bin Laden again was during the Afghan/Soviet Wars in Afghanistan. Only my father and I were sent on Secret CIA Mission's to negotiate peace, and to train , The Northern Alliance Resistance Fighters and to Arm them safety owing to that, Osama bin laden , himself, gave his "word of honor to my father," that we "were not to be harmed in any trips we underwent at that time inside Taliban and Soviet held Afghanistan.
 The USA and the CIA were not able to establish Peace, and throw the Taliban out, until much much later and after 9/11. But eventually the Soviets fell out of Afghanistan; however the Taliban took over then emerging as the leaders in the country.
The Tunnel My Father Helped Built Bewteen Afghanistan and Pakiastan. I Remember Sitting at the Border., Looking At the Beautiful Afghani MOuntain Ranges and meeting the various War Lords in Afghanistan with Daddy

Osama Bin Laden in the Sudans' Where ME and Daddy often met with Him. He had his own plane in the 1970s and when the CIA supported Him He Used To Fly From Somalia and Sudan To Get MIssiles, then fly those Missile Back Into AFghanistan to fund his "Freedom Fighters There. Osama Bin LAden alwAys wore this same head covering as it was one of his favorites!

Sudanese Road Funded By Bin LAden

One of the Man Cave Enterances Into Osama Bin Laden's Secret Maze of UNderground Tunnels Throughout Northern Afghanistan. The Secret Code word to Lift the Cave Enteraces Was "open Seseme." IF you tried gaining entrance without saying the appropriate words, the cave entrances would come down on you and slive a pesron in two halves! I saw this happen alot.

I will always remember Osama Bin Laden adn his top Leuitenant's.  They were at least always fun and nice to little me growing up. Dad used to come "bearing gifts," as he put it. Those gifts were "arms" for Al Qaeda from the CIA. I even knew Osama bin Laden's wives (a few of them) and also some of his children. His one son used to remain wit him in the tunnels in Afghanistan.

Dad used to take me to meet, OSama Bin Laden and his top officers, in the caves and also on the arid desserts of Afghanistan. He yused to "bear CIA wpeaons he called "Gift Bearing." Dad also used to use the code word "Gift / and Bearings.' Saying via the telephone , "He owuld be in AFghanistan when speaking to whom I presume was, Bin Laden, "he would come ASAP a soon as he got all his bearings = CIA weapons."

We used to meet Osama and lay them and/or give him boxes in the forms of "trucks," of ammunition's, so that he could then give his War Lords across Afghanistan weaponry also. They were always happy when we visited. The secret code word to come into his caves and lift the entrance, was "OPEN SESEME." If a person tried to illegally gain entrance into the caves, the tunnel entrance would come down on the person cutting them in literal two! I saw this happen to a lot of people!

I remember Dad and myself also went into  to try to rescue the US Officers that were taken as hostages when the BLackhawk went down. I assume again, we always went in there because Osama bin Laden's freedom fighters anywhere in the entire world, were to to "stand-off," and :fall back and not to hurt Dad and/or I."

When we went into save the US Soldier's when their BLackhawk Helicopter was downed, I remember trying to get out of Somalia, on the way out of there where they were kept, the house was completely surrounded with Taliban and Al Qaeda, they fired shots at us, but missed Daddy and I (I wonded if it was all just an act- because Osama never hurt us) but he DID HURT OTHER US PEOPLE AND SOLDEIRS. On the way out of Somalia, one of our team, was shot, there was a rule in teh US ARmy, you alway sbring back the body of you comrades. We had tried to get his boidy back but the Somalianese, would have kiled us and we were all very sad because we failed at that one mission to bring a comrades body back that was taken out by Al Qaeda.

I just remember Daddy saying, when I shoot run over ther and here Jil, and I did. Id id not understand the entire "gist," of what was happening around me, but I was super scared seeing real bullets all around me and just missing us! Really scary shit!

  A Scene From Somalia

Also present at this time in Somalia and also in Sudan, was the International Red Cross, they tried to help the soldiers who wereonly little children! So many of these kids like myself, saw peple, blood and gore, and also, saw similar things to myself i.e., blowing peoples brains out spewed all over the place etc., and the International Red Cross woudl try to give them counsleing which is more than the US Government and my fatehr Mr IRv Starr ever did for me afterwards (all of these things I underwent with Daddy) ALl he ever give a shit about was kiilling me so he could protect his shadowy CIA past.

I was present when this man was dragged through the Somalian streets. The Somalian people always wore the same colors as was on Osama Bin Laden's favorite head covering the checkered color red, to make known whose allegiance they were sworn to. This is how me and my Father knew which territory was sworn allegiance to Osama Bin LAden
There is not a whole lot more that I remember, probably in time more will come back to me. But one thing you can be certain of, is that, people like my father, could have been prevented 9/11. Why? Because, I was RANDOMLY LOOKING at old online photos of, Osama Bin Laden, the other night, and I actually knew some of his top officers,  way back in the day, when he and the CIA, and , Osama bin Laden "were tight ," so to speak. If people like this spoke up before 9/11, therE is no doubt whatsoever in my own mind anyway, that the entire 9/11 WorlD Trade Center Attacks could have been diverted! And it would not have taken until the, Obama Presidency, to catch up with, Osama bin LAden either!

I really can remember meeting with the Saudi Royal family now, going to an "amusement type of park, I specifically remember a wild roller coaster with them , and also, in the caves of, " Tora Bora, while my father as busy natotiating, bewteen, Osama bin LAden, the Taliban and the NOrthern Alliance and the Muslim Brotherhood, Osama bin Laden, used to alow me to play with his "HOpe Chests," FULL OF LARGE JEWELS.

The Taliban, had cash always on hand. They used to trade cash currency for heroein bricks,in the trenches of Afghanistan for cash only. BUt in the Tora BOra caves, Osama bin Laden himself, had an entire room full of "chests filled to the rim with hand sized jewels!" I used to think they were "toys," and used to go up to my neck in them and throw them and my hands in the air like I was bathing in these chests while my father as busy conducting business.

I also remember in Afghanistan, there as an Olympic training stadium, Osama bin Laden only would allow "baseball" I think and I don't know why. Only baseball was allowed. And only men were allowed in the stadium. However, the Taliban also used that stadium to make an example of people and to put them to death (especially women) for violations of the Taliban's Suny Law. For example, I saw a lady be shot point blank in head, and once, I dont know IF it was in the Afghans, but, I saw women stoned to death as well right in front of me.

My memories are scattered, but once the american soldeirs, detained a bunch of Taliban and brought them into a hidden prison in the afghan mountains somewhere to be held. It was a hell house and abusive place as well. They were starving and sweating etc... and I asked one of the prisoners' through a translator (another Taliban member whom spoke English) "Why they were fighting against the Shiti's in Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.." And the answer was, "They were preaching a complete "heresy." It in all, in all a extremely fascinating trip and experience and IW ould not have traded for the world. 

I am glad that I had the experience, as an adult sociologist, to have a rounded cosmopolitan view of the world, which would not have ben made possible otherwise. 

Of course there were other things I remember about Afghanistan, The yearly horse race (I am not exactly certain what it was called), but "War Lords," from all around the Afghans,  would come to complete in this each year. I saw it. It was cool to :chill out: with them.

Then, Me and Daddy met with the various War Lords in the Caves who were in charged of the variant terrirties of Afghanistan. When we met in their caves, it would be EXTREMELY LUXURIOUS inside some of those places. Both sad and iron is the social axiomatic historical matter of FACT, my own whomever the man is, Irv Starr, tried to murder me, his so called daughter for what? So I could not write this important and historical article? I want nothing ever to do with Mr Irwin Starr ever again! Last time he came to see me was the day after a fire was meant to blow up my home, he was working for the Gap then. The day after I was have had died in that fire, he called me, he told me, "I have just quit my job and have this ticket to come tomorrow and see you !" What he was really going to do, was come and get my body and things! And kill me! I remember being in China when he was investigating and complaining that China ought to "starve and suffer" for "committing INFANTICIDE!" LIttle did I know he would come after his own daughter, me, later on to cover up his shadowy past (I would not have given two shits."

I heard my father and my upstairs neighbor Jesse speak about :taking out a contract on me.": THey were to call me WIFEY and take out insurance policies on me. He can deny it but I will again PROVE IT WITH A POLYGRAPH TEST IF NEEDED because this is against both Islamic theological law and also Christian as I believe in,. Others are also involved and I know and can prove what they have done to me in this house as well. They better count their blessings if I dont mention them.

My own father has allowed , HArry J Shortway, take away my two children, they hate me now, and why? Because they used to work together way back in the day!

Moreover, during this time, in Pennsylvania, working at either Burger King OR McDonald's (I forget) was an Afghan Drug /War Lord whom used to work in Pennsylvania. After a while, he returned to his former War Lord position in , Afghanistan, and Daddy and I went to go meet him.

This girl was a "Afghanistan Refugee." She was at the Pakastin International Red Cross camp for all the refugees being set-up on the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan then. I distinctly remember her and we became friends. She had been through a terrible experience coming from the Northern Tora Bora part of the Afghanistan I think. She told me she lost a sibling; she eventually returned to  Afghanistan ; she had family and/or a future Marriage and husband there I think she said. She only had this beautiful red clothing and nothing else; we fed her and helped the others set up temporary tents because it was coming to be Winters which were especially difficult in the Afghanistan area.

I knew and used to ride horses with Osama Bin Laden's son. Omar when he was young. I think he had Pinto's. And his Mother, Najwa, was especially loved by , Osama bin Laden, more than any other of his wives because he kept her with him and especially sent for her, to be and stay with him in the caves of , Tora Bora. I remember him saying how much he loved , Najwa. 

At first, Osama's theological advisers would not allow this marriage because of them being some type of third or fourth "Cousins."  But Osama found a way to marry and I specifically remember when , Osama Bin Laden, was so very happy, when he called his dfollowers to send for her. She as very very happy when they united in the Afghans/caves. They were deeply in love. I remember this because Osama was always speaking and confessing his love for Najwa. She was always wrapped in a Burka like red and white checkered type of, Burka, She could never show her face, but I remember her; we were friends. She was very very young then; I dont know how young. 

CloseJill Louise Starr

Media Gallery

I remember also taking Karate lessons and also being in some competitions, I always thought this was in Japan, but perhaps is was not. I say this owing to Mr Irwin Starr "confessing" to me my being in Tanzania. And Mt Kilamanjero! This is OSama Bin LAden's son, Omar.
I remember in the caves, Osama bin Laden had everything, generators, food, blankets, and a special room where he would make his recordings on VHS tape with maps in back of him and other photos so no one would be able to locate his location. Hew was very smart about all that stuff; I remember him taking especially careful military precautions so that he would not be tracked. He would give the VHS tape to one currier, that currier would in turn pass it to another currier, and then to anther until it finally reached it's final destination.

I genuinely feel, IF, Osama Bin Laden, was still alive today, he would not have minded me at all, filling in the parts I could about his Biography.

During the Soviet's in Afghanistan, there were many normal libraries and Univesrties such as this one., The war destroyed everything . 

By MIss Jill LOuise Star SEnior
Jill Starr

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